Project Misplaced is the story of Simon, a fictitious character who tries to recreate himself in the US (or any other foreign culture). He tries to use the media to his own advantage in much the same way the governments do, in order to justify erecting walls, waging wars, and otherwise doing evil. His only problem is that he is not skilled enough. Simon documents his existence on the planet through newspaper ads in southern California’s Iranian community publications. But he misjudges his situation, and believes he is an equal. To generate funding and backing, he takes part in California’s gubernatorial elections in 2003. And of course loses.
Simon (AKA Soleyman) Ordoubadi is just as lost and ill-equipped as any other first generation immigrant. He is like an Eskimo in Las Vegas. He likes shiny things but doesn’t know how to get them. All he has are whale-hunting skills…which do not really come in handy when one is supposed to play poker. Simon Ordoubadi walks the same tightrope we all do when detached from society and culture. He’s left at the doors of the prom in a rented tuxedo, not knowing one needs a date to attend.